Equipping Waste Management Consultants with Data Analytics Capabilities

Equipping a Waste Management Consulting Firm with Data Analytics-as-a-Service (DAaS) Capabilities for their clients

Perceptive Consulting collaborated with a waste management consulting firm to equip and support their consultants with our data analytics offerings, enhancing the value of advisory services offered to both existing and prospective clients.

Problem Statement

Untapped data and reporting gaps leading to difficulties in making data-driven decisions

A Waste Management Consulting Firm found that their clients (such as shopping malls) encountered the challenge of evaluating recycling rates across different tenants and types of recyables, as part of their sustainability efforts and waste management reporting. Despite having a substantial dataset with the potential to provide valuable insights for making informed decisions, they lacked the expertise and capabilities to conduct effective analysis.


Leveraging data-driven insights for informed business decision making

Perceptive Consulting, through our DAaS offering, collaborated with waste management consultants to create Waste Management Performance Dashboards, featuring industry-specific metrics and visualizations, that provided valuable insights for informed business decision making to increase recyling rates and optimise collection processes. We also provided scenario analysis capabilities in the dashboards to forecast the revenue earned from recycling based on different collection rates for each type of recyclable, which helped to provide their clients with a clear overview of the financial benefits from their recycling efforts.


Leveraging the data analytics capabilities provided by Perceptive Consulting, the waste management consultants managed to empower their client with impactful recommendations to optimise their recycling efforts. Through the data driven insights gathered, they successfully improved their recycling rates and developed an optimal waste management strategy, striking a balance between maximizing profits and establishing sustainable recycling processes.

Contact us for your own customized dashboard